Western Berkshire federation, including South Reading CCG area, is to be included in the second wave of the NHS's diabetes prevention programme -
"Healthier You" over the next year.
"Healthier You" is a collaboration between NHS England, Public Health England and charity Diabetes UK. Those on the programme will get tailored, personalised help to reduce risk. This will include education on healthy eating and lifestyle choices, reducing weight through bespoke physical exercise programmes and portion control, which together have been proven to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
In the first year about 1 person in 500 of the population covered was referred to the programme.
Unfortunately for Reading this comes at a time when the Borough Council has closed Arthur Hill swimming pool in East Reading and is about to close
Central Pool for structural reasons, reducing the convenient opportunities for one of the best forms of exercise for all ages.
There will also be more money to ensure that people newly diagnosed with diabetes are equipped and enabled to control their condition and lead healthier lives.