At the SRPV meeting on 30th July 2014 members heard John Taylor, Acting Commercial Director of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Foundation Trust describe how the Trust's new five-year plan differs from its plans a year ago. Slide 3 of the attached document shows that the plan agreed with the 4 Berkshire West CCGs proposes increases in A&E activity of 7% over 5 years (as opposed to 20-33% in last year's plan) and births at RBH would rise to 6000 a year by 2019 (as opposed to 8000 a year as proposed last year).
The CCGs are hoping to manage the demand for A&E and RBH maternity services to meet the new plan which they have pressed for. The CCGs do have plans to move care into the community - but it remains to be seen whether these figures can be achieved.
Even with the revised plan the Trust is likely to move into deficit beyond 2017. The future of the Trust will be in the hands of local and national government and it will be up to the people of Berkshire West, served by the Trust, ultimately to decide its future.