We have made a response to the NHS Change Consultation feeding in to the Government's 10 Year Health Plan. We were asked to answer 5 questions:
- Q1: What does your organisation want to see included in the 10-year Health Plan and Why?
- Q2: What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to move more care from hospitals to communities?
- Q3. What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to making better use of technology in health and care?
- Q4: What does your organisation see as the biggest challenges and enablers to spotting illnesses earlier and tackling the causes of ill health?
- Q5: Please use this box to share specific policy ideas for change. Please include how you would prioritise these and what timeframe you would expect to see this delivered in, for example:
Quick to do, that is in the next year or so
In the middle, that is in the next 2 to 5 years
Long term change, that will take more than 5 years
You can read our response below.