Soutth Reading Patient Voice meets online at 6pm on Wednesday, 21st April 2021.
South Reading Patient Voice will meeet online at 6pm on Wednesday 21st April 2021
The Covid Outbreak Engagement Board for Reading meets at 2pm on Friday 23rd April 2021. To attend send email to or use this link .
During our recent survey of "What Older Patients Think of Digital Access to GP Surgeries" we discovered that some patients were experiencing extreme difficulties in contacting their GP surgeries by phone, to the point where they were going without their regular medications.
Now Healthwatch Reading is conducting a survey on whether patients are experiencing difficulties in accessing their GP surgeries by telephone.
Please take their survey here or
South Reading Patient Voice meets at 6pm on Wednesday, 17th March 2021.
We will discuss development of the Covid-19 vaccination programme and our recent workshop on older peoples' digital access to GP surgeries as well as local news.
Berkshire West CCG's Governing Body meets (could this be for the last time?) at 9.30 am - 11.30 am on Tuesday 9th March.
As part of their "Oldies Online Too" project South Reading Patient Voice has conducted a survey of older peoples experience and opinions of digital access to GP surgeries.
The results will be presented and discussed at an online workshop from 10am - 11.30am, Wednesday 17th March .
Reading's Health and Wellbeing Board meets on Friday 19th March at 2pm via Teams.
To receive a link or to pose a question please send email to
House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW – – home 01452 812099
22 February 2021
As we receive our Covid-19 vaccination – free from the NHS – many of us may be reminded both of our good fortune and of the challenge faced by lower income countries. Since it is so obviously in everyone’s interest that the pandemic is tackled on a global basis there is now a practical way to say “thank you”.