The government has published its Obesity Strategy .
Reading's ACRE (Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality), Utulivu and other organisations have organised the 2020 Health Equalities Annual Conference online (Zoom) under the title "Potentialising Community Assets in Filling the Gaps for Sustainable Health Equity (All for our wellbeing) on Friday, 31st July from 11am to 2pm.
"First Do No Harm" The report of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review has just been published.
The annual national GP patient survey - representing patients' views of their GP practices - has just been published for 2020. This is based on data taken near the start of the year.
The Berkshire West Primary Care Committee meets virtually from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesday 8th July. Practice performance (QOF) and the renewal of the Walk-In Centre contract are among the topics to be discussed.
Patients at Milman Road Health Centre and at Kennet Surgery have been made aware of a plan to merge the two practices. The letter to patients assures them that there will be no reduction in appointments available. It is possible, though, that the branch surgery at Christchurch Road might be discontinued at some time with patients given a choice as to where to transfer.
Reading borough is developing a local plan to control outbreaks of Covid-19. The plan can be inspected here .
The CCG held its 9th June meeting by multi-way telephone call.
The meeting papers are below - featuring some details on the measures taken for COVID-19 and the arrangements for paying for them.
The Independent SAGE commission, chaired by former Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, has issued a report on the integrated Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support system that is necessary to control the Covid-19 epidemic as the crude lockdown is eased.
The main public health technique for controlling epidemics returns to England tomorrow with the start of the NHS Test and Trace service.