A workshop primarily for users of mental health services and their carers, but also for voluntary organisations in this field will be held at Reading Town Hall between 10am and 3pm on Tuesday, 2nd December.
The governing body of South Reading NHS CCG meets in public, from 9.30am to 12.00 noon on Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, at the Museum of English Rural Life, Redlands Road, RG1 5EX
Here are a some links to interesting videos and a very clear report about integrated care for frail, elderly patients.
Circuit Lane surgery in Southcote lies outside the South Reading CCG area but developments there could be an indicator of future changes here.
South Reading CCG has received winter pressures funding which can be used for GP services. It will be used to open a 7-evening a week childrens' urgent care centre at a location still to be determined over the winter months.
The CQC has today published risk indices for most GP practices, using readily available data to give an indicator of the priority that should be afforded to their inspection. The great majority of South Reading practices fall into the low risk category - Band 6 - along with about half the practices in England. So we can expect few early inspections by CQC at most South Reading practices.
We will be meeting between 6.15pm and 7:45pm on Wednesday, 26th November 2014 in the Reading Community Learning Centre 10, Eaton Place, RG1 7LP (see Agenda for directions) .
There will be an election for group officers, reports of current developments in local healthcare and a talk and discussion led by Dr Rosemary Croft on "What will Parity for Mental Healthcare Require?"
The well-respected Patients' Association is recommending that patients do not make the effort to appeal to the Health Service Ombudsman. In an alarming report , citing many shocking cases the association finds that the Ombudsman failed to establish the facts of the cases cited, didn't take the views and information provided by the complainant relatives into proper account and failed to take proper clinical and medical advice.
Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. Any adult who is concerned that the situation is urgent where a child is at risk of suffering significant harm should consult or refer to the Children's Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub, Tel: 0118 937 3641, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Outside these hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team, Tel: 01344 786543. Emails about safeguarding of children may be sent to safeguarding@brighterfuturesforchildren.org .
We will be meeting between 6.15pm and 7:45pm on Wednesday, 29th October 2014 in the Reading Community Learning Centre 10, Eaton Place, RG1 7LP (see Agenda for directions) .
Our first item will be a talk and discussion on integrating health and social care and then we will discuss.our future programme and topics.