Berkshire West Primary Care Commissioning Committee Meets on Wednesday, 9th January at 57-59, Bath Road, Reading RG30 2BA.
Reading Health and Wellbeing Board meets on Friday, 18th January 2019 at 2pm in the Civic Officers, Bridge Street, Reading. Printed copies of the papers will not be provided (apart from the agenda) so please arrange your own printed or electronic copies.
South Reading Patient Voice meets at 6pm on Wednesday 30th January 2019 at RCLC, 94, London Street, RG1 4SJ
Reading Borough Council is consulting on the future of Public Health services in Reading. The consultation can be found online and closes on the 6th January 2019.
When Priory Avenue GP practice closed, as our CCG's contract with One Medical Group was terminated, patients were advised of the different practices to which they could be transferred. Some who lived South of the river Thames had a considerable choice of practices with which to register.
NHS England conducts an annual survey of patients views about their GP practice by sending out large numbers of questionnaires. The results for four very useful questions are featured on the GP practice's page on the NHS Choice website. The attached paper by Francis Brown shows how to interpret the results by understanding the ranking of the practice in comparison with others.
South Reading Patient Voice will be meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, 31st October 2018 in the Boardroom of the Royal Berkshire Hospital to hear a presentation of the Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust's 7 year strategy from Andrew Statham, Director of Strategy with the trust.
The Reading Health and Wellbeing Board meets at the Reading Civic Offices, Council Chamber at 2pm on Friday 12th October 2018.
The Berkshire West Primary Care Commissioning Committee will meet from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesday, 10th October 2018 at Berkshire Maestros, Ensemble Room 3, Stoneham Court, Cockney Hill, Reading RG30 4EZ (this is through the school entrance and right round to the right).
NICE, which formulates guidance on medical procedures and technology for the NHS, is producing guidance on shared decision making. It is looking for lay members for the committee formulating guidance.